Day 44: Ryan & Mandy

Pellegrino / Sandridge WeddingToday marks five years of marriage for my brother Ryan and his wife Mandy. There is a special bond that you feel when you witness a couple standing vulnerably in front of you expressing their love for each other. It’s even stronger when you are the person officiating the ceremony – which was the case for their wedding. I had never officiated a wedding, but was honored to have such a special role in their ceremony.

I’m heading over to their house this evening and letting them take a rare night out for themselves while I watch my beautiful niece Jacqueline. I hope they have a wonderful evening.

Happy anniversary Mandy and Ryan, I love you both very much.

Day 44

Mandy & Ryan,

Five years ago today you stood before me and shared your vows with each other – promising to be a faithful partner, love one another unconditionally, support each other in your goals, honor and respect one another, laugh and cry together, and cherish each other for the rest of your lives.

Day 44-2

I’ve got to work on my penmanship!

My wish for you today is that these vows continue to grow stronger and that you enjoy this occasion by celebrating the wonderful journey of the past five years and looking ahead to the dreams you will share tomorrow.

I love you both very much,

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