Author Archives: Reed Sandridge

Day 218: Jon Stewart

Photo: AP Photo/Brad Barket

Photo: AP Photo/Brad Barket

My second letter this year to a long standing (ok, sitting) host of late night television. Thanks for the memories Jon – see you at the party on January 5th!

Day 218

You’ve been coming into our living rooms, ahem…bedrooms perhaps, for more than 15 years. More importantly you’ve been informing us and entertaining us – you’re like a therapist only better. Sure, you listen, you process information and become an active voice in the conversation, only you cut through the charades and bullshit and deliver the medicine we need with a soothing spoonful of humor that makes the insanity of the reality – or is it the reality of the insanity? – somehow easier to swallow.

Day 218-3I’m writing you as part of a year-long commitment that I’ve made of writing handwritten letters every day. It’s a lost art – or as your pal Steve Carell said (I wrote him on Day 7), “Sending a handwritten letter is becoming such an anomaly. It’s disappearing. My mom is the only one who still writes me letters. And there’s something visceral about opening a letter – I see her on the page. I see her in her handwriting.” He’s so right.

While everyone is grilling you about what you will do next, my wish is that whatever you do, you find time to be with those you love – maybe even write them a letter. Speaking of you writing letters, a response from you would be the pinnacle of my Year of Letters. Right now that honor goes to either my father or an inspiring 100 year-old doctor from California who wrote me back. I also received a response from George W. Bush.

Anyway, good luck and thanks.

With respect and admiration and a bit of a man crush,
Reed Sandridge 

Day 218-2P.S. A wiser man than me once said, “Love what you do. Get good at it. Competence is a rare commodity in this day and age. And let the chips fall where they may.” Well played, sir.

P.P.S. Mark your calendar for January 5th, 2016 – I’m throwing a party for all 365 people who have received a letter this year. More details at or email me at Your drinks are on me!

Day 217: Anthony Foxx, Secretary of Transportation

Google's Doodle of the Day for August 5, 2015.

Google’s Doodle of the Day for August 5, 2015.

Good morning! If you search for something on Google today, you’ll seee their Doodle above which is paying tribute to the 101st anniversary of the first electric traffic light in the U.S. It got me thinking about something that has been bothering me for some time. Nobody likes a critique who doesn’t offer a solution, so I thought I would do just that and send a suggestion to our Secretary of Transportation, Anthony Foxx. It might just make the roads a whole lot safer.

Day 217

Dear Mr. Secretary, 

101 years ago today the American Traffic Signal Company installed the U.S.’s first electric traffic signal system on the corner of East 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. The anniversary of this event inspired me to write to you today.



I’m colorblind and struggle deciphering traffic signals when it is dark and I can’t see the order of the lights. There seems to be a simple solution to this: create unique shapes for each color. Red could be a square, yellow a triangle and green a circle.

I know that some cities outside of the U.S. are experimenting with this (Quebec for example) – why don’t we start rolling this out as we replace signal lights? It just might save some lives.

Thank you for your time and consideration,
Reed Sandridge

Day 215: Anonymous letter left at Nats Park

I’m leaving this note with a ten-dollar bill somewhere at tonight’s Nationals vs. Diamondbacks game.

Day 215

“Play this game like the 8 year old you used to be, dreaming to play in the show! Heart, passion, and fire! Remember where you came from!”Bryce Harper

Ballgames have become more expensive – here’s a few bucks to help you out. Enjoy a hotdog, pretzel or drink on me. Or buy something for fan sitting next to you.



Day 213: Kim

Happy birthday to my good friend Kim Perry!

I made her some stationery for her birthday – I bought almost everything I needed to make all of the note cards and envelopes at Paper Source. I love that store – and they better love me given how much stuff I’ve bought from them!

Day 213-2

Happy birthday Kim!

Some people have a special gif – they light up a room, make children smile, bring people together. They move through this world creating greatness by being the change they want to see. A handful of us are fortunate to know someone like this and have them call us a friend. You are that special person for me and I treasure that you call me a your friend.

Lots of love and happiness for you today and always,


Day 213



Day 210: Anthony

Today was my friend Anthony’s 58th birthday. We met up today and I gave him letter number 210! This is one of the few letters I have written and then watched the person open it – not at the same time obviously.

Day 210


Day 210-2


Thank you for your friendship over the past 5 years. You are always so kind in saying that I’ve helped you in various ways, but I want you to know that you have helped me understand the true meaning of perseverance, altruism and friendship.

For your birthday, I want to take you to a Steelers game. Not sure how I’m going to make that happen, but it’s going to happen!

Happy Birthday Anthony!