Tag Archives: anonymous letters

Day 338: Anonymous letter left in Starbucks

So I kind of messed up on today’s letter. I was supposed to leave it yesterday, but my schedule got screwed up and I ended up not having time. So today I wandered over to the Starbucks at Connecticut Avenue and R. I found a nice spot on a counter in front of colorful blue and red bags of coffee that are for sale.

I didn’t a bit more put the letter down and two young ladies walked in and picked it up. Wow, that was fast. They opened it up and then moved to a table where it looked like they were Googling the Year of Letters.

The line wasn’t moving and I was late for meeting up with some relatives so I headed out without my coffee, but at least I hopefully brightened someone else’s day.

Anonymous letter left at Dupont Starbucks

Anonymous letter left at Dupont Starbucks

I thought I would help you start your weekend off right. Your coffee is on me today. Enjoy!

Day 301: Anonymous letter left at Starbucks in Kingsport, TN

I’ve been in Kingsport visiting family and I left this letter with some cash inside at the Starbucks on North Eastman Road.

Day 301

Hello there!

Just a little note to brighten your day – this coffee is on me.

Day 289: Anonymous letter left at Sheetz in Dillsburg

While driving through Pennsylvania I stopped in at the Sheetz gas station on Route 15 in Dillsburg and left an anonymous letter with some cash inside. I thought about hiding it under some blueberry mini muffins, but then I decided to place it behind something healthier. Why not reward someone for making a healthy choice today!

Day 289-2 Day 289

Day 241: Anonymous letter left at Starbucks in Dupont

There’s a Starbucks at the corner of Connecticut and R in DC. It’s probably the closest Starbucks to my apartment. I go in there from time to time and today I thought I would leave an anonymous letter for somebody – perhaps brighten there day with a free cup of joe – well, it will probably end up being some fancy schmancy latte or something!

Day 241

“Coffee: A warm, delicious alternative to hating everybody every morning forever.” – Kim Bongiorner

Enjoy some coffee today on me – trust me, it will make your day better.


Day 233: Julie

I love it when the people who find my anonymous letters follow up with me – especially when they do it with a handwritten letter like Julie did. She found letter number 215 that I had left on the upper concourse at Nationals Park on August 3rd.

It’s just an interesting way of connecting with our community and I truly hope that Julie and her husband Ian join us at the year-end celebration on January 5th!

My letter and Julie's card.

My letter and Julie’s card.


The other day I went to the mailbox and found your letter – I’ll be honest, I had no idea who it was from when I saw the envelope. That’s kind of exciting.

Opening it up and seeing that you found Letter 215 made my day! Truly. I’ve left a half dozen or so anonymous letters throughout this letter-writing journey and I think you’re only the second person I’ve heard from. Thank you for taking a moment to write back.

Day 233-2I appreciate your kind words. You and Ian sound like good people – I mean your Nats fans, so you’ve gotta be good people. Unless of course you were there rooting for the Diamondbacks!??!

I’ll post on YearOfLetters.com details about the year-end party but it will most likely be in Dupont on January 5th. It should be fun. I did a similar event at the end of the Year of Giving – it was a blast!

Again, thanks for taking time to write and say hello. I hope to see you and Ian on January 5th!
