Tag Archives: anonymous letters

Day 112: Anonymous Letter Left at Roger Dean Stadium

Day 112-6I’m in Jupiter, FL today for work and decided to catch a minor league baseball game. The Palm Beach Cardinals were hosting the Fort Myers Miracle. Both are Class A Advanced Affiliates for the St. Louis Cardinals and the Minnesota Twins respectively.

I wrote up an anonymous note, tucked it in a neatly addressed aubergine envelope and left it on a table that was right behind the home plate seats at the end of the fifth inning. Surely someone would see it there and pick it up. After the game, I walked by to make sure someone had claimed it, but to my surprise it was still sitting there.

I had pretty good seats!

I had pretty good seats!

I picked it up and walked outside. I was trying to think of another clever place to put it when I saw a mailbox for the stadium. Perfect! I dropped my note in there, we’ll see if anyone finds it.

Oh, and in case you were interested, the Cardinals easily took care of Miracle 7-2.

Day 112-5

You can see the mailbox where I dropped my letter just to the left of the door.

You can see the mailbox where I dropped my letter just to the left of the door.

This note is for you. I’ve made a commitment to write a handwritten note every day this year. If I could, I’d make a commitment to go to a baseball game every day for a year! I love the game and hope that you enjoyed tonight’s game as well. 

Best regards,
Reed Sandridge (Wash. DC)

The Cardinals beat the Miracles 7-2.

The Cardinals beat Miracle 7-2.


Day 104: Anonymous letter left in DC Starbucks

Writing my letter at Starbucks.

Writing my letter at Starbucks.

April 15th means it’s the deadline to file your taxes. Well, not really. You can file for an extension. Anyway, it is understandable that today could be a bit depressing as you think about how much money you are handing over to the government so I thought I would try to do something nice for a stranger.

I left this letter at the Starbucks at the corner of 22nd and K Street in Washington DC. Inside I tried something different – I put a $5 gift card. It’s not much, but perhaps it will lift their spirits if they’re having a bad day.

I added the quote by Paula Poundstone – I thought it was funny and I met her a few years ago. She was great. I hope that starting out my note with “The wages of sin” doesn’t scare away the person who finds this by causing them to think that I’m some nut lurking across the Starbucks who is going to come up to them later and start preaching to them.

Day 104 anonymous

“The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it’s just sort of a tired feeling.” – Paula Poundstone


Hopefully you’re not feeling too tired today…but in case you are, have some coffee on me. As we “celebrate” tax day – I hope this small letter and gift will help make your day a happy one.
