Tag Archives: condolences

Day 187: Keaton Marek

Day 187-3Just after midnight on June 14th, Keaton Marek, a 22-year-old recent graduate of George Washington University, was found dead on the sidewalk near the intersection of 24th and M streets here in Washington. I work less than a block away and frequent a Starbucks there often.

I went by today and saw a memorial of letters and flowers and stopped to read them. Although I did know the young man, I was moved to write him a note and place it at the memorial.

RIP Keaton.


Day 187-4


We never met, but perhaps we crossed paths as I live nearby. I as deeply saddened to learn about your death. It touched me as it has so many others. I read the heartfelt messages that others have left for you and your family. I read about your athletic and academic accomplishments, your volunteer work and your natural curiosity of the world. I wish that I, and others, had known you. You made a difference in people’s lives and they are better for having known you. 

You will live forever in our hearts.

With love for you and your family,
Reed Sandridge


Day 63: Sympathy note

Hearing the news of the death of friend is always difficult. Today’s note is to a colleague of mine whose wife lost her five-year battle with cancer on Tuesday. I’m breaking with my normal posting practice and not showing the specific letter in respect to my friend and his family. I didn’t know his wife well, but she seemed to be an exceptional spouse, mother of two young children, and professional. My thoughts are with their entire family as they deal with this tragedy.
