Tag Archives: famous people

Day 307: Terry Gross

I’m a big fan of NPR and one of my favorite hosts is Terry Gross. If you haven’t heard her show Fresh Air, you should really make a point to listen. I used to catch the show here and there, but now I have started listening to podcasts when I’m walking to/from work and such – that way I can hear all the episodes.

I really think that Terry is precisely the type of person who appreciates the handwritten letter. Hopefully I’m right.

Day 307-4

Dear Terry,

I’ve heard Fresh Air for many years but only recently began listening. I love how you talk with your guests. There’s something beautiful about your style, maybe it’s your empathy. Your questions are always thoughtful and poignant. And you have a true gift of summarizing the work of others – I recently got a kick out of Michael Keaton’s appreciation for your characterization of his films. So memorable.

Congratulations on 40 years of Fresh Air – I hope you continue for many years to come.

Reed Sandridge

Day 293: Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

Steve Wozniak

Birthday card to my Dad from Steve Wozniak!

Birthday card to my Dad from Steve Wozniak!

You may recall that back on Day 236 I wrote Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak asking him to send my father a letter on his 75th birthday. I didn’t think this would happen – I had tried back on his 71st birthday – but I was wrong.

He didn’t write much, but it meant a lot to my Dad. I thought that was so cool of Woz and wanted to write to him to let him know how grateful I am for his kindness.

Day 293-3


Thank you so much for sending my father a birthday card on his 75th birthday – it made his day. You’re a classy guy. Thank you.

Keep on creating!


P.S. My brother and his wife and I bought my dad the Apple watch for his birthday – so far he likes it. I can’t help but be curious about what you think about it.

Day 204: President Jimmy Carter

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter speaks at an Ethical Elections Pact signing ceremony in Panama City, Friday, March 14, 2014. (AP Photo/Arnulfo Franco)

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter speaks at an Ethical Elections Pact signing ceremony in Panama City, Friday, March 14, 2014. (AP Photo/Arnulfo Franco)

A letter or phone call from President Carter would be epic. Happy birthday Kim!

Day 204

Dear President Carter, 

Your dedication to public service and improving the lives of people from all around the world inspires me. You and Mrs. Carter are fantastic role models for those in public service as well as regular citizens like myself who strive to build stronger communities.

I’m writing to you today to ask a favor. A dear friend of mine, Kim Perry, is celebrating her 45th birthday on August 1st. She is quite possibly your biggest fan – excluding your family of course. She is the Executive Director of DC Vote, a nonprofit dedicated to securing democratic equality for the citizens of the District of Columbia. I know your public service has influenced her to follow the path she has chosen and a birthday greeting from you would mean the world to her. I hope that you will consider this request. Her contact details are:


With respect and admiration,
Reed Sandridge


Sunday Notes & Letters for Week 28

Wow…so I am more than half way through the Year of Letters. In one way I am excited, but I caught myself thinking yesterday that this will be over in only x amount of days and that makes me sad. I’m having a so much fun.

Today I thought I would share some handwritten notes from The Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger. By the way, that’s awesome that spell check knows how to spell his name because I didn’t. Anyway, it seems that the former Mr. Universe and 38th governor of the state of California, is a fan of the handwritten note.



On Friday I read on the HollywoodReporter.com (I know, judge away) that Schwarzenegger had heard about a father who was suffering from mental illness and wasn’t acting himself. He agreed to watch the latest Terminator with his son and the son reported that his father smiled at one of the scenes – the first time he had smiled in months. The story found its way to the strong man and he wrote the father this personal note.



But that’s not the only time he’s penned some letters by hand. Check out these other two notes that I found.

Arnie letter

This letter was sent to a Reddit user named Came Out Sideways who had revealed to the actor that his films got him through chemotherapy. Image: metro.co.uk


And then there was this note to Reddit fans (he’s a big fan of Reddit!) thanking them for wishing him a happy birthday in July of 2013. Image: dailydot.com

I might need to send him a letter – it seems I might just have a chance at getting a reply!

Sunday Notes & Letters for Week 29

Happy Flag Day!

For today’s post I thought I’d share with you a post I found recently on the blog Culture N Lifestyle. They feature 22 images from Liza Kirwin’s book, More Than Wordswhich celebrates illustrated letters from a variety of revered artists and designers. From Frida Kahlo to Andy Warhol to Eero Saarinen and many more. It’s worth clicking on that link above to check out all 22 photos, but here are a few for your enjoyment.




Alfred Joseph Frueh


Eero Saarinen


Joseph Lindon Smith