Tag Archives: follow up

Day 233: Julie

I love it when the people who find my anonymous letters follow up with me – especially when they do it with a handwritten letter like Julie did. She found letter number 215 that I had left on the upper concourse at Nationals Park on August 3rd.

It’s just an interesting way of connecting with our community and I truly hope that Julie and her husband Ian join us at the year-end celebration on January 5th!

My letter and Julie's card.

My letter and Julie’s card.


The other day I went to the mailbox and found your letter – I’ll be honest, I had no idea who it was from when I saw the envelope. That’s kind of exciting.

Opening it up and seeing that you found Letter 215 made my day! Truly. I’ve left a half dozen or so anonymous letters throughout this letter-writing journey and I think you’re only the second person I’ve heard from. Thank you for taking a moment to write back.

Day 233-2I appreciate your kind words. You and Ian sound like good people – I mean your Nats fans, so you’ve gotta be good people. Unless of course you were there rooting for the Diamondbacks!??!

I’ll post on YearOfLetters.com details about the year-end party but it will most likely be in Dupont on January 5th. It should be fun. I did a similar event at the end of the Year of Giving – it was a blast!

Again, thanks for taking time to write and say hello. I hope to see you and Ian on January 5th!


Sunday Notes

Me mailing the letter to Steve Carell from his hometown of Newton, MA. It was about 0 degrees when I snapped this photo.

Me mailing the letter to Steve Carell from his hometown of Newton, MA. It was about 0 degrees when I snapped this photo.

Good morning! Every Sunday I will either share a letter written by someone else – maybe a famous letter or perhaps a letter from my shoebox full of saved letters – or I’ll update you on the Year of Letters; responses that I have received and other tidbits that might not weave their way into the daily posts. Think of it like a day that you can kind of get a broader view on the project.

It’s been almost two weeks since I started the project and already I feel that I have learned some things. Here are 5 lessons learned so far:

  1. This takes a lot of time. Not so much writing the letters, but managing the blog, getting the photographs of the letters, etc.
  2. I have terrible handwriting. Now this isn’t really anything new to me, but none the less it saddens me to see my inconsistent scribbles in the photographic images of my letters. I sure hope it gets better through this project.
  3. Despite that people rarely send them, everyone loves to receive handwritten letters.
  4. Either I did a terrible job promoting my writing session yesterday here in DC or people don’t like to meet up to write letters – which is quite possible.
  5. My hands feel very arthritic and I worry about the remaining 354 days.

So far I’ve heard back from…

Whole Foods (Day 3) tweeted at me that they were happy that I shared the story of their employee who went the extra mile for our family over Thanksgiving.
A.R. and Aimee (Day 5) wrote me and said that I’ll be receiving a letter in the mail from them.
The Kimpton Group (Day 6) replied to me via Twitter – my request looks promising!Screen Shot 2015-01-10 at 11.42.16 PM
Several people via email, Facebook and Twitter who have been extremely supportive of this project and one person even sent me some of their favorite stationery for me to use. THANK YOU Nicole!

I’ll be back tomorrow morning, sharing another letter.