Tag Archives: homelessness

Day 126: Street Sense Filmmakers Co-op

Photo: Jane Cave

Photo: Jane Cave

I serve on the Board of Directors of Street Sense – a media group in DC whose mission it is to elevate voices on the issue of homelessness while giving economic opportunities to the men and women in DC experiencing homelessness.

Last week they had the premier of Cinema From The Street – a collection of films produced by the Street Sense Filmmakers Co-op. Led by local filmmaker Bryan Bello, the group not only shared their stories but learned the ins and outs of filmmaking. The films were terrific – and if you are in DC you’ll want to mark August 26th on your calendar when they release the next group of their films.

To learn more about the Filmmakers Co-op or buy tickets to the August event, click here.

Day 126

Dear members of the Street Sense Filmmakers Co-op, 

Day 126-2Congratulations on your first film screening! And while I enjoyed all three films, I’m arguably more moved by the larger impact of your work. I look forward to seeing how you take the knowledge of what you are learning in the Co-op and apply it in new and creative ways.

Thank you for sharing your stories, I look forward to seeing you at the next screening on August 26th.

-Reed Sandridge

Day 66: Michele

You may recall that on Day 50 I wrote a letter to Anthony – a friend that I met five years ago. Anthony has had a difficult life and worked hard to get off the street and into housing. This July – he will celebrate two years of being housed as well as his 58th birthday..so I am trying to organize a little surprise for him. Keep your fingers crossed!

Photo of Anthony and me by CBN Videographer Denis Pacuraru.

Photo of Anthony and me by CBN Videographer Denis Pacuraru.

Dear Michele,

Thank you so much for taking time to speak with me on Thursday about creating something special for my friend Anthony. He is truly the mayor of the area in DC called the Golden Triangle – everyone that walks by his corner at 19th and M knows him – and if you didn’t know better you’d think you were blocks away from Heinz field given all of his Steeler swag! I look forward to circling back with you in July to see where things stand – actually that timing is perfect as his birthday is July 29th and if we can work something out then I will present this to him for his birthday. Until then – enjoy your spring.

Thanks again,

Day 13: Ken

I met today’s recipient five years ago today. A proud and stalwart salesman of the Street Sense newspaper in DC, I’ve stayed in touch with him ever since meeting him through my Year of Giving project. You can read about the day we met and see a photo of Ken in action selling the paper here.

Ken Day 13



Today marks five years since we met at the Dupont Circle metro stop at the corner of 20th and Q. Your passion and enthusiasm for Street Sense, your customers and soccer all inspire me to be passionate about things in my own life. I know you’ve experienced great challenges in your life, but you face them with strength and optimism and I admire that. I know your birthday is this Saturday – let’s go for lunch one day this week or next week to celebrate.

Your friend,


Day 2: Mayor Muriel Bowser

Courtesy of murielformayor.com

Courtesy of murielformayor.com

Today our new mayor takes office. Muriel Bowser, a DC native, will replace Vincent Gray as the mayor of the District of Columbia. She’s 42 and only the second woman to hold the office. I decided to drop her a note on her first official day at work. Go get’em Muriel!



Muriel Bowser-3


Dear Mayor Bowser,

Congratulations on being elected mayor of the District of Columbia. I voted for you and wish you lots of luck. While I know that you will be watching many issues, there are two that are very important to me.

We desperately need to secure voting equality for the 646,000 disenfranchised American citizens living here. We deserve voting representation in Congress.

We also need to increase affordable housing. Each year low-income residents of the District have fewer housing options and the number of homeless individuals increases – up to 12,000 a year ago. I applaud your support of the housing first model.

I'm a Nats fan, what can I say...maybe she has some pull!

I’m a Nats fan, what can I say…maybe she has some pull!

Good luck – buckle in, it’s going to be a wild ride. I hope that you will be able to make significant progress on the above items – and if you can help the Nats win the World Series, even better.

Reed Sandridge