Tag Archives: letter-writing

Day 56: Aunt Patti

Mom (left) and Aunt Patti circa 1951 In Tazewell County, Virginia.

Mom and Aunt Patti circa 1951 In Tazewell County, Virginia.

My mother used to talk to her siblings regularly on the telephone. When I was a kid, I’d wake up on Saturday mornings to the sound of her laughter coming from the kitchen as she talked to one of them on the phone.

Mom was one of six children. She died in 2006 and she had a brother, Jack, who died in 1980. The remaining four live in Southwestern Virginia and Tennessee. I had planned to make a trip this weekend down to see all of them – but Winter Storm Remus had other plans for us so I’m having to postpone it until later this spring.

I called my Aunt Patti to check on the weather conditions there before deciding to postpone the trip and we ended up talking for almost an hour and a half. It was wonderful to catch up.


Dear Aunt Patti

Just a note to tell you how much I enjoyed talking with you tonight. With email and Facebook – sometimes we forgo picking up the telephone (and actually dialing instead of texting!) because we feel that we know what is going on in a person’s life, we see all their status updates on social media so we think we’re up to date and don’t need to know more. Well, what that leaves out is knowing how the person is truly feeling, not just what they are broadcasting to the online world, hearing the joy or uncontrollable laughter…and the tremors of fear and pain that can be masked by lifeless letters typed on a screen.

The only person I really have long phone calls with anymore is Dad and occasionally Aunt Sue. Before Mom died Dad would always get on the phone – but he wasn’t much of one to chat on the phone back then. Things have changed. I think he’s lonely now and as a result is much more prone to longer conversations that go beyond, “Hey kiddo – everything ok with you?”

I’ve made a commitment to write more letters this year – Mom used to write me regularly. I miss it – I miss seeing her handwriting. He voice, southern accent and all, could be heard in every stroke of the pen. In addition to my letter-writing, I hope to call loved ones more often. I look forward to calling you and hearing your voice more often.

Thank you again for taking time to talk with me tonight. It made my day – hell it made my whole week! I’m sorry I won’t get down to see you this weekend – but anytime the National Weather Service names the storm that is coming through I’m betting it’s going to be a doozy! Stay warm and safe.


Day 51: Ms. Brennan, US Postmaster General

On this day in 1792, President George Washington signed the Postal Service Act which created the U.S. Postal Service and outlined the congressional power to establish mail routes. So, it seemed appropriate to write to our new Postmaster General. Megan Brennan took over the 500,000 employee organization on February 1st.


Day 51

Dear Ms. Brennan,

Congratulations on becoming the 74th, and first female, Postmaster General!

Today marks the 223rd anniversary of President George Washington signing the Postal Service Act into law and outlining the congressional power to establish mail routes in our country. In observance of this occasion, I took this opportunity to reflect on our postal system and the how it has changed in the recent years.

I’m just another one of your 300 million customers. That said, I’m responsible for generating at least one first class single piece mail item every day (you’re welcome). I know that’s not much when you consider the 513 million mail pieces that you deliver every day, but perhaps I can suggest a way to increase your first class single piece mail business.

Day 51I’ve committed to sending one handwritten letter every day for a year – you’re Day 51. Many people tell me that they have been inspired by my project to write more letters. This is a good thing for you. Now, my platform isn’t such that the ripples of my project alone are likely to make a noticeable difference for you, but from someone who specializes in helping organizations strategically use story to achieve business objectives, I see an opportunity for you to invest in nontraditional marketing efforts to fuel more of these kinds of endeavors. It’s not that Americans lack a desire to write and send letters, we lack inspiration. And inspiration can be created.

Just an idea. If you share my vision that an opportunity exists and want to explore this further, you know where to find me.

Reed Sandridge

PS. I grew up “down the road” from you in Mechanicsburg.

Day 49: Lovely Handwritten Notes

So I found this site Lovely Handwritten Notes and thought that I should definitely write to them! Unfortunately, it looks like there hasn’t been new posts on the website for quite some time, but perhaps I will still get a response – and some tips!

Day 49

Dear friend,

I stumbled upon your project today and was surprised that I hadn’t heard of it until now. Even more of a surprise was that you live right here in Washington, DC. We might be neighbors!

We share a common passion for handwritten communication – it’s truly unique and has the power to transmit so much more thoughtfulness and compassion than electronic messages. Our penmanship conveys a higher level of communication than the words themselves.

I wanted to write to you and congratulate you on your Lovely Handwritten Notes project and also see if you had any advice for my Year of Letters project – perhaps we could meet for coffee sometime?

Warm regards,

Sunday Notes & Letters: The first reply to my letters arrives

So I am 46 days into my Year of Letters. It’s been an interesting journey so far. I’ve written family members, friends, politicians, corporate executives, children and even complete strangers. On Thursday I added some statistics to the project’s website. Some highlights are:

        People who replied with a handwritten letter: 2%
        People who didn’t reply with a handwritten letter, but acknowledged: 2
        Average number of days to receive handwritten replies: 19 days
        Furtherest distance traveled: San Anselmo, California (Day 29)
        Shortest distance traveled: Dupont Circle, Washington, DC (Day 34)
        Restraining orders received: 0

NickyLetterI guess the most surprising thing for me is how few responses I’ve received. My favorite one so far – ok it’s my only response so far – is from Nicky, a six-year-old boy from Oklahoma City. Thanks Nicky – you made my week!

A funny anecdote I’ll share as well. I wrote a handwritten note to my 84 and 86-year-old aunt and uncle. They replied…via email. Times are changing.