Tag Archives: letter-writing

Day 192: Brätt Family

Today’s letter is for Sasha and Jamie – and their kids, although they are too young to read the letter. I met Sasha in 2009 when he directed me in the play The Laramie Project. He’s an insanely talented director and he offered to direct the play that some friends and I put together based on the Year of Giving.

His wife Jamie is a rock star. She does city planning so I thought of her as well when I saw I AM THE GENTRY Thursday night. In fact, I think she worked on some of the city planning for the area where the play took place around H Street in DC.

Day 192

Dear Brätt Family,

I hope that my letter finds you well. I enjoy seeing your Facebook updates – Mina and Austin are growing up and somehow you guys manage to stay the same.

I went to see a Fringe show last night – it reminded me of the fun (ok, so there was a little stress involved too) we had doing the Year of Giving play. The show last night dealt with gentrification and how that was changing communities and the people who make up the neighborhoods that are experiencing the changes. While it could have been many areas of D.C., it took place in an area near H Street, Northeast.

Day 192-2I think you both would have enjoyed the show. I found myself wishing you were with me. It would have been interesting to talk to Jamie about gentrification and get her perspective on what cities can do to improve things like access to resources and safety while not displacing the majority of the members of a community who can’t afford to stay. And I would have liked to discuss the play with Sasha and get his thoughts from a director’s point of view – it had some striking similarities to Year of Giving.

Anyway, it made me think of you guys. I miss you and hope that we find a way to get together this year (a way that doesn’t involve painting or moving, although, if forced to I will settle for that).

Have a great summer,


Day 189: Beth

Day 189-3

Fighting Pandas 2011

Once a week during the dog days of summer I head down to the National Mall to play softball with some colleagues from work. It’s a lot of fun, but we’re not exactly making the sports highlights at night. Actually, that’s not true. One time we did when Bryce Harper showed up to pinch hit for the other team. You can check out the video here.

Anyway, one of my coworkers, Beth, said that the reason she has not come to cheer the team on is that she has never received an official invitation and she doesn’t know where the games are played. Done. See you at the games Beth!

Day 189


You are cordially invited to join the Fighting Pandas softball team as they battle their way to the 2015 Green League Softball Playoffs. Your attendance is requested at the National Mall for the following events:

Monday July 13 vs. Global Swarming
Tuesday July 21 vs. CLAW
Tuesday July 28 vs. TNC Naturals

All games have a scheduled start time of 6pm and generally do not start on time. Attire is “panda casual”. Cold beverages are available for those who play or cheer. Cheerleaders feel free to use the following phrases of encouragement:

Let’s go <insert name here>!
Good eye, good eye!
That was a helluva poke!
Shake it off, you’ll get ‘em next time!

Note: Please refer to Evan Walker only as “Coach” and never look him directly in the eyes.

Day 188: Gilson and Keila


Today’s letter is for some good friends in Brazil. They lived here in D.C. for a couple years and come back to visit from time to time. Unfortunately, the last couple times they have visited I have had other travel that has caused me to mostly miss their visits.

Day 188

Dear Gilson and Keila,

I hope my 188th letter of the year finds you well. I realize you are not in Sao Paulo right now – I’ve been seeing some of the great food (and drink) you are enjoying in Peru. I’ve been there several times but I’ve never been to Machu Picchu, that should be exciting.

I made another custom envelope liner.

I made another custom envelope liner.

Things here are going well. I’ve been busy working and writing letters. I haven’t done much traveling lately, except the occasional work trip. They’re usually shorter trips than I was accustomed to at Comptel. Instead of transcontinental week-long trips, I typically go to New York City, Boston or maybe Florida for a few days. It’s a lot easier, but sometimes I miss traveling to places where English is not the first language.

I hope that you are still planning on coming to the US in September – have you already signed up for the Tough Mudder? You are welcome to stay at my place. Hopefully this time I will actually be here!

I miss you guys and hope that it works out to see you here later this year.


Day 178: Downtown Dennis

Dennis Abbott, photo: thrillist.com

Dennis Abbott, photo: thrillist.com

If you’ve ever been to Lawrence, Kansas, there’s a chance you’ll recognize today’s recipient. He’s a familiar face on the main road that runs through the heart of this college town. His name is Dennis, but I’ve always referred to him as “Downtown Dennis.”

He’s a bit of a celebrity in Douglas County. And he’s equally popular online. In fact he has a Facebook following: Friends of Dennis which has almost 6,000 followers. He’s usually smiling and somehow always makes your day better when you see him.

The first time I saw Dennis was on Halloween in 2008. I was in a funky little coffee shop called The Mirth, which has since closed, when he came in dressed as a cat. He asked the staff if he could have the computer that was there for surfing the web. “I’ve already got the mouse,” he said with a long grin. Unfortunately, he wasn’t allowed to take the computer.

Anyway, today’s letter is for Dennis – a man I’ve never met, but who brings so much happiness to the Lawrence community I thought he deserved to know that people far and wide think so fondly of him. I don’t have an address for Dennis, but I’ve heard that he often eats lunch at Quinton’s Bar and Deli so I’m sending it there hoping that the good people of Quinton’s will make sure that Dennis receives this.

Day 178-2

I added an embossed arrow to this card and made an envelope liner out of some textured wrapping paper.

Dear Dennis,

I live in Washington, D.C., but I’ve been to Lawrence a handful of times. I have seen you every time I’ve been in town, unfortunately I’ve never had the chance to meet you.

Day 178Back here in D.C. when I meet someone familiar with Lawrence and want to prove my street cred, I mention “Downtown Dennis.” Inevitably everyone always says, “I love that guy!” or “He’s a legend in Lawrence.” I just thought you’d like to know that people all around the country remember and think highly of you.

Keep doing what you’re doing – creating smiles along Mass Ave.

See you next time I’m in Lawrence,

P.S. I know you like the ham sandwich at Quinton’s, but I hear they make a tasty Turkey, Avocado and Cream Cheese (TAC) sandwich…I’m not a fan of cream cheese, but maybe you’ll like it.

Day 164: Richard Schiff

Richard Schiff as Toby Ziegler on ‘The West Wing. Photo: NYDailyNews.com

Richard Schiff as Toby Ziegler on ‘The West Wing. Photo: NYDailyNews.com

As I mentioned earlier this week, I got a letter in my mailbox addressed to an actor from The West Wing. I know the suspense has been killing you – so today we’ll have the big reveal. The letter was addressed to Richard Schiff who played the rather morose White House communications director Toby Ziegler.

I have no idea how common of a name Richard Schiff is. But I do know that Schiff was born just 5 miles up the road in Bethesda, MD so it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that this is in fact the actor.

After making note of his address, I handed the letter back to the postal worker, letting her know that it had been put in my mailbox by mistake.

One thing I’m curious about. If I take this letter into the post office, do I need to put a stamp on it? They’re just going to walk 10 feet and put it in Richard’s PO Box. I guess I will find out later today.

Toby was my favorite character on the West Wing so I’m really hoping I’ve got the right Richard Schiff!

Day 164 

Dear Richard,

I received a letter addressed to you in my mailbox recently. I couldn’t help but notice your name and wonder if you were the actor Richard Schiff – for the purposes of my letter, I will assume that you are.

Your portrayal of Toby Ziegler was nothing less than outstanding. One of my favorite episodes was the one where they find your business card in the jacket of the homeless veteran who died. I do a lot of volunteer work with the homeless and that storyline touched close to home. I understand you won an Emmy for that performance – congratulations, you deserve it!

I’d love to know what you’re up to these days. We should meet up sometime in the neighborhood for a drink – after all we’re neighbors. Maybe go to McClellan’s Retreat or Glen’s Garden Market? Both are good spots, but I picture you more at the dimly lit McClellan’s Retreat enjoying a boozy cocktail like an old fashioned or something along those lines.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you,
Reed Sandridge 

Day 164-2

P.S. If this is not the actor Richard Schiff – we can still meet for a drink and you can tell me all about what it’s like having people confuse you with the actor.