Tag Archives: love

Day 288: Dad

With Dad celebrating my 41st birthday.

With Dad celebrating my 41st birthday.

My father turns 75 today. He didn’t want much fanfare about the event, typical dad, just a low-key evening. Tomorrow my brother and I are taking him to dinner. We’ve got him a gift, but I had a special gift that I was hoping he’d receive.

Birthday card from Steve Wozniak!

Birthday card from Steve Wozniak!

Back on Day 236 I wrote to Apple co-founder and computer engineering genius Steve Wozniak and asked him to send my father a birthday greeting. I was getting ready to be a bit sour and share how disappointed I am that Woz failed to come through. But, my father picked up his mail today and said he got the card from Woz!!! Awesome! He was so happy – a special gift that money cannot buy.

If Woz can send Dad a card, then I sure as hell better send him one too! If you know my father, you’ll appreciate this one.

Day 288-2


Today marks your 75th year – quite an achievement. You’ve done a lot in your life.

You have been a wonderful son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and friend. You have succeeded in both your personal and professional lives. 

You’ve made me laugh hard and often.

You have the distinct ability to make processes more complicated.

You’ve sacrificed so much to give us the life we’ve had.

You smile and laugh at yourself with ease.

You’re really stubborn.

Dad and me - circa 1980

Dad and me – circa 1980

You sometimes make this slight but noticeable scowl where your lower lip curls upward.

You’re not afraid to show your affection for those you love.

You would live forever if eating Dairy Queen Buster Bars, chips & salsa and a fistful of vitamins were the key ingredients to a healthy life

You are one of the least critical and judgemental parents that I know.

You have interesting and innovative ideas – you are the original MacGyver.

You always have time for me.

You make up more sayings than anyone I know.

You are the original storyteller.

You taught me how to discretely transport booze in a guitar case.

It’s true, you are many things. And you will always be my father and I will always love you more than I ever show.

Happy 75th birthday Dad.




Day 248: Becky and Steve

This weekend two good friends are getting married. Becky and Steve are rare individuals who inspire me to lead my life to its fullest. They care…and not just about themselves or where to find the best vegetarian food in town, but they care about people they’ve never met, they care about the planet we’re stewarding for future generations and they care about their friends and family. I have to share too that Steve even works for an organization called CARE! It’s very fitting.

Anyway, tomorrow should be an amazing evening.

Day 248

Dear Becky and Steve, 

You’ve been asking about your letter – well here it is! I’ve waited until today, the eve of your wedding, to write to you.

For some reason people, and I include myself here, feel compelled to give advice to those who are getting married. Ironic that I feel this compulsion given the fact that I have never been married.

A few years ago, while browsing through an airport bookstore, I bought a book for my father. It’s called 30 Lessons for Living. It was written by Karl Pillemer, a professor at Cornell. He spent five years interviewing older Americans, aged 70-102, about the tried and true advice on life from our wisest members of our community.

Me, Becky and Steve. By the way, that's a vegan meal I bought at a food truck and proudly displayed. Steve and Becky inspired me to give up meat for the past four months.

Me, Becky and Steve at a concert Friday night. By the way, that’s a vegan meal I bought at a food truck and proudly displayed. Steve and Becky inspired me to give up meat for the past four months.

As I stated, I bought it for my Dad – he seemed to be struggling to find purpose and happiness after my mother died. But after reading it, I decided not to give it to him. I don’t know why – I guess I thought it was mostly for younger people, especially younger married couples. I decided to tuck the book away and save it for a special couple who lived their lives with intention and worked hard at being their highest self.

This book is for you – the advice contained within the pages of the book is based on the wisdom of those with far greater experience in life than me.

Congratulations on your marriage. You are both beautiful, thoughtful and generous. I enjoy the time we share together and value our friendship. Being a part of your lives and your wedding has great meaning for me.

Best wishes for tomorrow and every day after.

P.S. I’m working on a special wedding gift for you!

Day 229: Ryan

An embossed card and custom made envelope for my brother.

An embossed card and custom-made envelope for my brother.

Today is my brother’s 44th birthday. He’s the best and I love him more than I could ever express in a birthday card, but I reckon he still deserves a card.

Day 229


We do not choose our family. As luck would have it, you got the perfect little buddy as your brother. You’re welcome! What’s more remarkable is that after 41 years (make no mistake, I know you’re turning 44) you choose to be my friend. I wanted you to know that I also choose you as my friend, my best friend.

I love you and wish you all the happiness in the world today and every day after.


Day 187: Keaton Marek

Day 187-3Just after midnight on June 14th, Keaton Marek, a 22-year-old recent graduate of George Washington University, was found dead on the sidewalk near the intersection of 24th and M streets here in Washington. I work less than a block away and frequent a Starbucks there often.

I went by today and saw a memorial of letters and flowers and stopped to read them. Although I did know the young man, I was moved to write him a note and place it at the memorial.

RIP Keaton.


Day 187-4


We never met, but perhaps we crossed paths as I live nearby. I as deeply saddened to learn about your death. It touched me as it has so many others. I read the heartfelt messages that others have left for you and your family. I read about your athletic and academic accomplishments, your volunteer work and your natural curiosity of the world. I wish that I, and others, had known you. You made a difference in people’s lives and they are better for having known you. 

You will live forever in our hearts.

With love for you and your family,
Reed Sandridge


Day 166: Dad

Dad and me doing renovations at the cabin on New Year's Eve 2014.

Dad and me doing renovations at the cabin on New Year’s Eve 2014.

June 15th is the Worldwide Day of Giving! It’s a day that I helped start 5 years ago after embarking on a year-long journey of micro-philanthropy. Hopefully you will consider some form of altruistic giving today.

Today, my letter is to my father. As much as I tease him about his quirkiness (he tethers his phone and wallet to his clothes so he doesn’t loose them), he’s a amazing man and incredible Dad. He’s supported me, listened to me, believed in me and loved me unconditionally for 41 years. I’m thankful for him every day, but Father’s Day is a special time to recognize everything he has done and continues to do for our family.

Thank you Dad. I love you very much.

Day 166

Dear Dad,

If you take route 7 west past Reedsville (I like that town) to Morgantown and then pick up I-79 south for about 20 miles you’ll discover the small city of Fairmont, WV along the banks of the Monongahela River. It was there in July of 1908 that the first Father’s Day was celebrated. It was held in honor of the more than 200 fathers who lost their lives in the Monogah Mining disaster of 1907.

Day 166-2I’ve got tickets to see the Pirates farm team, the West Virginia Black Bears, take on the Cleveland Indians’ Mahoning Valley Scrappers Sunday afternoon. I thought we could have lunch in Fairmont and then catch the game. How does that sound?

Happy Father’s Day! I love you very much.