Tag Archives: mail service

Day 352: Leo

Today has been a great day. I finalized details on the Year-End Celebration – which you should come to! It’ll be on Jan. 5th from 4-8PM at McClellan’s Retreat in Dupont. Come and meet many of the people who have been recipients of my letters as well as a few who even penned me a handwritten note as well. If that wasn’t enough – it gets better. If you make a tax-deductible donation to Street Sense, a nonprofit that is close to my heart, you’ll get some great drink specials and a special gift from me!

Today’s recipient has played a key role in my Year of Letters. It’s Leo – my mail carrier. He is friendly and courteous and always delivers a smile when I see him. My neighbors and I are extremely fortunate to have Leo and I thought I would give him a small gift to show him my appreciation. I wrote him a check and tucked it in today’s handmade card.


Day 352



You are always a pleasure to when I am fortunate enough to run into you while you are delivering the mail in my neighborhood. Thank you for your kindness and friendship. Best wishes to you and your family for the holidays. 

Reed Sandridge

P.S. You’ve been a critical part of my Year of Letters – making sure all my mail is picked up and delivered properly. You’re the best!

Day 352-2

Day 113: FedEx Office Ft. Lauderdale

My original letter from Day 24

My original letter from Day 24

I mentioned on Sunday that last week a letter that I mailed back in January to a FedEx Office location in Ft. Lauderdale was returned to me. Yep, it took the U.S. Mail nearly three months to figure out it was undeliverable and send it back. I double checked the address and there was no problem with that. The only thing I can think of is that the person I addressed it to, the general manager of that location, no longer worked there.

Well, I was in Ft. Lauderdale this week and decided I would hand deliver the letter to the FedEx Office. Unfortunately my schedule got pretty full and I got there after they closed. So I wrote them a short note explaining what happened and put everything in a new envelope and dropped it in the mail before heading to the airport this morning.

Day 113

Dear FedEx Office,

I’m not sure why my original letter was returned, hopefully you get this one. If Tom Vayne is not the correct name of the store manager, please forward this to the appropriate person. 

Best regards,
Reed Sandridge