Tag Archives: mayor

Sunday Notes & Letters for Week 15

april5I am over one-fourth of the way through my letter-writing journey. I hope I can make it. I’m having a blast but this takes time! You’d be surprised how much time it takes to write (and rewrite from time to time) neatly, emboss stationery, take photographs, upload them to the blog, write something thoughtful or funny. Thankfully I have a decent supply of whiskey that will hopefully get me most of the way through the year – I am accepting donations to help make sure I don’t run out.

Seriously, I hope I can keep this up. What’s great is that you keep sending me more and more letters. It’s working. People are sitting down and going old school on keeping in touch with me. Thank you to all those of have sent letters.

Muriel Bowser-3

A copy of my letter to the new Mayor of Washington, D.C.

And I can’t remember if I have mentioned this or not here, but stay tuned, I’m going to throw a party at the end of the year for everyone who has either received one of my letters or sent me a letter. So if you haven’t written me yet, drop me a handwritten note and I’ll make sure you get on the invite list.

Baseball season officially started today with the St. Louis Cardinals shaming the Cubs at home 3-0. Tomorrow, the Washington Nationals play their home opener against the New York Mets. I’ll be there in the Mayor’s Suite – I wonder if Mayor Bowser will be there. I sent her a letter on Day 2 and have not heard back from her. I’ll be sure to remind her if she’s there.

Here are a few hints about who tomorrow’s letter is for. This person missed the first season, but has been to every Nationals home game after that. He is the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize and is blind in his left eye due to a boxing injury.


Day 2: Mayor Muriel Bowser

Courtesy of murielformayor.com

Courtesy of murielformayor.com

Today our new mayor takes office. Muriel Bowser, a DC native, will replace Vincent Gray as the mayor of the District of Columbia. She’s 42 and only the second woman to hold the office. I decided to drop her a note on her first official day at work. Go get’em Muriel!



Muriel Bowser-3


Dear Mayor Bowser,

Congratulations on being elected mayor of the District of Columbia. I voted for you and wish you lots of luck. While I know that you will be watching many issues, there are two that are very important to me.

We desperately need to secure voting equality for the 646,000 disenfranchised American citizens living here. We deserve voting representation in Congress.

We also need to increase affordable housing. Each year low-income residents of the District have fewer housing options and the number of homeless individuals increases – up to 12,000 a year ago. I applaud your support of the housing first model.

I'm a Nats fan, what can I say...maybe she has some pull!

I’m a Nats fan, what can I say…maybe she has some pull!

Good luck – buckle in, it’s going to be a wild ride. I hope that you will be able to make significant progress on the above items – and if you can help the Nats win the World Series, even better.

Reed Sandridge