Tag Archives: notes

Day 301: Anonymous letter left at Starbucks in Kingsport, TN

I’ve been in Kingsport visiting family and I left this letter with some cash inside at the Starbucks on North Eastman Road.

Day 301

Hello there!

Just a little note to brighten your day – this coffee is on me.

Day 233: Julie

I love it when the people who find my anonymous letters follow up with me – especially when they do it with a handwritten letter like Julie did. She found letter number 215 that I had left on the upper concourse at Nationals Park on August 3rd.

It’s just an interesting way of connecting with our community and I truly hope that Julie and her husband Ian join us at the year-end celebration on January 5th!

My letter and Julie's card.

My letter and Julie’s card.


The other day I went to the mailbox and found your letter – I’ll be honest, I had no idea who it was from when I saw the envelope. That’s kind of exciting.

Opening it up and seeing that you found Letter 215 made my day! Truly. I’ve left a half dozen or so anonymous letters throughout this letter-writing journey and I think you’re only the second person I’ve heard from. Thank you for taking a moment to write back.

Day 233-2I appreciate your kind words. You and Ian sound like good people – I mean your Nats fans, so you’ve gotta be good people. Unless of course you were there rooting for the Diamondbacks!??!

I’ll post on YearOfLetters.com details about the year-end party but it will most likely be in Dupont on January 5th. It should be fun. I did a similar event at the end of the Year of Giving – it was a blast!

Again, thanks for taking time to write and say hello. I hope to see you and Ian on January 5th!


Day 232: Barbara

Sometimes the worlds of my “Year of” projects collide – today is an example of just that. Barbara, who followed the Year of Giving and Year of Volunteering, dropped me a handwritten note to say hello. She said she’s enjoyed following my year-long pursuits and is looking forward to my book. Yeah, me and Barbara both. I’ve got a ways to go on that though, I just haven’t been spending enough time on it. Perhaps next year has to be the Year of Reed’s Book.

My letter with Barbara's card in the background.

My letter with Barbara’s card in the background.


Wow! I was so pleasantly surprised to get your letter – it’s been a long time. I looked through my old emails and found that I wrote you back after your email to me in September of 2011, but I’m not sure I ever sent you the volunteering suggestions?! Shame on me if I didn’t.

Thank you for sharing about your volunteering experience during your Spring Break – what a great way to spend that week. I think voluntourism is an interesting way to bring groups together while doing good.

Congratulations on your nursing degree. I’ve had several friends and family members in the hospital this year and have developed an even deeper appreciation for the profession. You’re doing truly important work!

Best of luck to you on your wedding, that’s exciting – hopefully not too stressful. Don’t forget that it is celebration and it’s meant to be a special day for you to remember – make sure you enjoy the moments.

Thank you again for reaching out and saying hello – that meant a lot to me. Stay in touch,

Day 231: Kyle

I’m in Boston for some meetings and finding a hotel that wouldn’t bankrupt my employer was really a challenge, so I chose Airbnb. You may recall I wrote to their cofounder and CEO Brian Chesky earlier this year (Day 90) – sadly I never heard back. I mean if Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush had time to write back, I think Brian could send me a short note, don’t you?

Anyway, it was my first time using Airbnb in Boston. And my first time using the service in almost a year. Everything went smoothly. My host, Kyle, was great and I thought I would leave him a little note of thanks on one of the note cards I received from 1Canoe2. While I doubt it will work out, it would be great if he and some of the other non DC recipients of my handwritten letters can attend the year-end celebration on January 5th. Who knows? Maybe some of them will come.

Day 231

This card was one of the cards that the amazing people at 1Canoe2 sent me to help with all of the stationery that I need to do the Year of Letters.


What a beautiful home you have. It’s literally at the doorstep of downtown Boston. Thank you for your hospitality and making sure that everything went smoothly with my stay. I hope that made it to your open water swim this morning and wish you luck in your upcoming triathlon.


P.S. I’m a big fan of the lost art of handwritten communication and your note today is Day 231 of a year-long series: YearOfLetters.com.


Sunday Notes & Letters for Week 28

Wow…so I am more than half way through the Year of Letters. In one way I am excited, but I caught myself thinking yesterday that this will be over in only x amount of days and that makes me sad. I’m having a so much fun.

Today I thought I would share some handwritten notes from The Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger. By the way, that’s awesome that spell check knows how to spell his name because I didn’t. Anyway, it seems that the former Mr. Universe and 38th governor of the state of California, is a fan of the handwritten note.



On Friday I read on the HollywoodReporter.com (I know, judge away) that Schwarzenegger had heard about a father who was suffering from mental illness and wasn’t acting himself. He agreed to watch the latest Terminator with his son and the son reported that his father smiled at one of the scenes – the first time he had smiled in months. The story found its way to the strong man and he wrote the father this personal note.



But that’s not the only time he’s penned some letters by hand. Check out these other two notes that I found.

Arnie letter

This letter was sent to a Reddit user named Came Out Sideways who had revealed to the actor that his films got him through chemotherapy. Image: metro.co.uk


And then there was this note to Reddit fans (he’s a big fan of Reddit!) thanking them for wishing him a happy birthday in July of 2013. Image: dailydot.com

I might need to send him a letter – it seems I might just have a chance at getting a reply!