Tag Archives: Year of Giving

Day 349: Anonymous letter left at PSU’s Berkey Creamery

Day 349-3So this is my third letter I have left at Berkey Creamery this year. You might rightfully think that I have an addiction to this place. I do. Their Cookies-n-Cream is awesome. I kind of lover everything about this place, except maybe that they don’t let you mix flavors. Actually that is not entirely true, they did allow Bill Clinton to do it when he visited in 1996 – the 42nd president requested Cherry Quist and Peachy Paterno.

I got a salad for lunch and followed it up with a small bowl – I told her to stop scooping – of Berkey’s deliciousness. I had a few minutes and decided to write a letter while I was there. Today is the 9-year anniversary of my mother’s death. She was an inspiration for my Year of Giving, where I gave away $10 to a stranger every day for a year while I was unemployed. So I thought, why not marry these projects today and leave a letter with a crisp Alexander Hamilton inside.

So where did I leave the letter? Well, here’s a hint. Go to Berkey’s and buy a half gallon of my favorite flavor – you just might find my letter in the freezer!

Day 349

Hi there!

I’ve made a commitment to write a handwritten letter every day for a year. A few years ago I gave away $10 every day for a year – that project started 6 years ago today – Dec. 15, 2009. I thought I would pay tribute to that anniversary ad include a tenner for you.

I carefully embossed this silver tree on the card and then dripped ice cream on it. Ooops.

I carefully embossed this silver tree on the card and then dripped ice cream on it. Ooops.

Did you know that Berkey Creamery was closing? Not for good – but probably about two months. That’s crazy right? What will people do? While I understand they need to do renovations – we the people need ice cream! So I suggest you stock up today – maybe get yourself an extra pint (go ahead – get the gallon!) with the $10.

Reed Sandridge

P.S. I highly recommend the Cookies-n-Cream.

Day 240: Jay Korff

jay korffJay Korff of WJLA ABC-7 is one of the finest journalists in the business. I first met him while he was reporting on my Year of Giving project – you can watch his Emmy Award winning report here. He and videographer Mark Bautista won several other awards for their work on this story, including an Edward R. Murrow Award.

Anyway, not only is he a talented journalist, he’s a great guy and I wanted to let him know that his professionalism and kindness don’t go unnoticed.


Day 240

Dear Jay,

I know I’ve told you before, but sometimes it’s nice to take time and share one’s thoughts on paper. You’re a master storyteller and you put everything you’ve got into your stories. Even five years later, I’m still touched by the beautiful story you did on the Year of Giving. We’re very fortunate to have someone here in Washington with your dedication and professionalism to journalism. On top of the busy schedule you keep, I’m amazed that you find time to compete, and WIN, so many bike races. You are truly an inspiration.

Your fan and friend,

P.S. Please send my regards to Rosalyn and your kids – I enjoyed volunteering with them back in 2011.

Day 232: Barbara

Sometimes the worlds of my “Year of” projects collide – today is an example of just that. Barbara, who followed the Year of Giving and Year of Volunteering, dropped me a handwritten note to say hello. She said she’s enjoyed following my year-long pursuits and is looking forward to my book. Yeah, me and Barbara both. I’ve got a ways to go on that though, I just haven’t been spending enough time on it. Perhaps next year has to be the Year of Reed’s Book.

My letter with Barbara's card in the background.

My letter with Barbara’s card in the background.


Wow! I was so pleasantly surprised to get your letter – it’s been a long time. I looked through my old emails and found that I wrote you back after your email to me in September of 2011, but I’m not sure I ever sent you the volunteering suggestions?! Shame on me if I didn’t.

Thank you for sharing about your volunteering experience during your Spring Break – what a great way to spend that week. I think voluntourism is an interesting way to bring groups together while doing good.

Congratulations on your nursing degree. I’ve had several friends and family members in the hospital this year and have developed an even deeper appreciation for the profession. You’re doing truly important work!

Best of luck to you on your wedding, that’s exciting – hopefully not too stressful. Don’t forget that it is celebration and it’s meant to be a special day for you to remember – make sure you enjoy the moments.

Thank you again for reaching out and saying hello – that meant a lot to me. Stay in touch,

Day 177: Dave

One of the reasons that so many people knew about my Year of Giving project was a beautifully told CNN story by David Banks. As I write my way through the Year of Letters, I remembered that Dave has sent me a note around the holidays every year since we’ve met. I thought it was time that I returned the handwritten kindness.

Day 177

Day 177-2Hey Dave,

It’s been five years since we’ve met and I think you’ve dropped me a holiday card each year – thanks! I know exactly how many I have sent you. ZERO. Sorry, I’m trying to be better at staying in touch. I wanted to say hello and wish you Patchaya and Tanjira a wonderful summer. I’m not sure how often you are downtown in DC, but let me know, it would be nice to catch up. People still mention the CNN story you did on the Year of Giving – you did a beautiful job telling that story!

Take care brother,

P.S. I saw your quote other day on FB from Albert Camus, “Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” So true!

Day 168: Michelle Dawn Mooney

Photo: WPG1450.com

Michelle Dawn Mooney Photo: WPG1450.com

Monday afternoon I had the pleasure of being a guest on Michelle Dawn Mooney’s radio program on WPG1450AM in New Jersey. Michelle had me on her Make a Difference Monday show to talk about the Worldwide Day of Giving. She’s an interesting woman – check out her bio.

I wanted to thank her properly for inviting me to be on her show, so today Michelle becomes letter #168.

Day 168

Dear Michelle,

What a pleasure it was to be a guest on Make a Difference Monday. The Worldwide Day of Giving was a lot of fun this year and I’m always surprised by the stories I hear from people all around the world who participate – it brings us closer together. Best of luck to you and your new show on WPG1450 – I’ll listen to you online!

All the best,