Tag Archives: Year of Letters

Day 349: Anonymous letter left at PSU’s Berkey Creamery

Day 349-3So this is my third letter I have left at Berkey Creamery this year. You might rightfully think that I have an addiction to this place. I do. Their Cookies-n-Cream is awesome. I kind of lover everything about this place, except maybe that they don’t let you mix flavors. Actually that is not entirely true, they did allow Bill Clinton to do it when he visited in 1996 – the 42nd president requested Cherry Quist and Peachy Paterno.

I got a salad for lunch and followed it up with a small bowl – I told her to stop scooping – of Berkey’s deliciousness. I had a few minutes and decided to write a letter while I was there. Today is the 9-year anniversary of my mother’s death. She was an inspiration for my Year of Giving, where I gave away $10 to a stranger every day for a year while I was unemployed. So I thought, why not marry these projects today and leave a letter with a crisp Alexander Hamilton inside.

So where did I leave the letter? Well, here’s a hint. Go to Berkey’s and buy a half gallon of my favorite flavor – you just might find my letter in the freezer!

Day 349

Hi there!

I’ve made a commitment to write a handwritten letter every day for a year. A few years ago I gave away $10 every day for a year – that project started 6 years ago today – Dec. 15, 2009. I thought I would pay tribute to that anniversary ad include a tenner for you.

I carefully embossed this silver tree on the card and then dripped ice cream on it. Ooops.

I carefully embossed this silver tree on the card and then dripped ice cream on it. Ooops.

Did you know that Berkey Creamery was closing? Not for good – but probably about two months. That’s crazy right? What will people do? While I understand they need to do renovations – we the people need ice cream! So I suggest you stock up today – maybe get yourself an extra pint (go ahead – get the gallon!) with the $10.

Reed Sandridge

P.S. I highly recommend the Cookies-n-Cream.

Day 344: Anonymous letter left at Harris Teeter

I was over at the Harris Teeter today and thought I’d leave my letter there at the ATM machine. It seemed appropriate as I had tucked a few dollars inside for the lucky recipient of today’s letter. There was a woman who was taking forever to get money out of the machine, so I wandered upstairs and found some bright yellow bananas that were a perfect backdrop for my aubergine colored envelope from Paper Source. I should have snagged a photo of it sitting there amongst the bananas, but I thought that my draw too much attention my way.

Day 344


Thanks for taking a chance and opening this letter. Here’s a small gift for you to do whatever you would like to with it. Enjoy.

Have a great day,


Day 342: Uncle Jim

I used some items from Paper Source to make this card.

I used some items from Paper Source to make this card.

My uncle Jim’s birthday is today – I am pretty sure that he is turning 86. He has had a rough couple of years with his health but he’s a fighter. That shouldn’t surprise me, he’s a Command Sergeant Major Retired from the U.S. Army. He’s a man of few words, I treasure each of them.

Day 342-2

Uncle Jim,

This will not get to you on time and I apologize, but, I did want you to know that I am thinking about you today and hope that you had a wonderful birthday. It was good to see you and spend time with you in October. I have shoulder surgery planned for January and wont be able to travel for a while, but I hope to get down to Kingsport by springtime.

Happy Birthday!


Day 338: Anonymous letter left in Starbucks

So I kind of messed up on today’s letter. I was supposed to leave it yesterday, but my schedule got screwed up and I ended up not having time. So today I wandered over to the Starbucks at Connecticut Avenue and R. I found a nice spot on a counter in front of colorful blue and red bags of coffee that are for sale.

I didn’t a bit more put the letter down and two young ladies walked in and picked it up. Wow, that was fast. They opened it up and then moved to a table where it looked like they were Googling the Year of Letters.

The line wasn’t moving and I was late for meeting up with some relatives so I headed out without my coffee, but at least I hopefully brightened someone else’s day.

Anonymous letter left at Dupont Starbucks

Anonymous letter left at Dupont Starbucks

I thought I would help you start your weekend off right. Your coffee is on me today. Enjoy!

Day 330: Aleks and Jonathan

Today’s letter is to my cousin Jonathan and his wife Aleks. They live in Tennessee so I don’t see them that often unfortunately. I wish we lived closer.

Both have served in the U.S. Army and I wanted to let them know that I appreciate their service – even if my letter comes nearly a decade late. I’ve heard from friends of mine who have served that it’s “awkward” when people thank them. “I was just doing my duty” or “I’m just doing my job” they’ll often respond. Maybe so, but I admire them and am grateful for their service.

Day 330

Aleks & Jonathan, 

You may know that I have embarked on a journey of writing a handwritten letter every day this year. I’m on Day 330…only 35 more days (and letters!) to go. As I sit here in Mechanicsburg with my Dad with lots of turkey leftovers, I took a moment to think of who I was thankful for. I thought of both of you.

I hope you know how much I appreciate your military service. I may not have ever told you this – not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable, but I wanted you to know.

Jonathan, something that I have always felt a bit bad about is that I never wrote when you were posted in Iraq. Having lived abroad, I know how nice it is to receive news from home. I hope that you know that while I failed to write, you were present in my thoughts. And the same remains true today. We can spend a long time without seeing each other or being in touch, but you both, and little Nickolas, are in my thoughts.

I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and a 2016 full of good health and happiness.

Love you guys,